First Entry Wow.
What a month it's been! Graduated from college (Shillington F@#& YEAH!") and now begins the job hunt. With several pro bono jobs for friends and family and a little time of it is time to knuckle down and find that job/internship and become the best designer I can be. The Problem: where do I start? Solution A; the Loop Solution B; Linkedin Solution C; freelance Solution D; curl up on sofa in the fetal position and pray that somebody out there like my stuff on the internet With lots of Solution D in the last few weeks and time avoiding social media and training and exercise and friends, its time to get back on the horse and ride. Forgetting to check out what and who is out there the hunt is once again on as are the hundred little odd jobs and tasks set and created by friends and family. Birthday cards, logos and website design seem to be the current bread winners while the fun stuff and socializing has taken a back seat in order to clean room and organize ones mind. SO now enough rambling and watching Disney movies (to the shillo crew, yes I watch Disney movies I admit it!) and time to get back to work. Fox out.
Author: Fox
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May 2021